Tips for Fall Food Plots
Here are some tips for planting fall food plots from Ignite Outdoors:
Soil temperature
Plant when the soil temperature is between 50–65°F, which is usually in late summer or early fall. However, the timing can vary depending on your location.
Keep an eye on local weather forecasts and rainfall patterns, as moisture is essential for germination. You can wait to plant until there's ample soil moisture or a good chance of rain in the forecast.
If your seedbed is too firm, you can lightly disk it.
You can broadcast seed over the seedbed and then roll or pack it in just before it rains. Seeds should be planted no more than a quarter inch deep.
Seed quality
Use high-quality seeds that are free of fillers and coatings, as they are more likely to germinate and grow into strong plants.
Planting time
Plant your food plots 30–45 days before the first frost in your area. You can look up the average first frost date online.
Plant selection
Some good choices for fall food plots include brassicas like radishes, rape, canola, and turnips, as well as fruit trees like apple, pear, mulberry, or persimmon. The cold temperatures turn the starch in brassicas into sugar, making them highly nutritious and attractive to deer in late season. Fruit trees can also provide plenty of food and variety for mature bucks.
Spray Ignite Plot Spark at seeding, Ignite Plot Fuel at 2”-3” growth and spray Ignite Plot Spark 21-28 days after seeding.
Mowing perennials at least three times during the growing season can help prevent competition from weeds and grass, and promote new growth